Stefan Marx «Sundaayyyssss»
Published by Zukunft in collaboration with Nieves.
The Sundaayyyssss drawings started as an Instagram column against my aversion for the seventh day of the week. These drawings are about Sundaayyy feelings and the immense significance of this day in modern society. The calendar has 52 pages and can be started any Sundaayyy in the year, every year. Stefan Marx
Stefan Marx is a Hamburg based artist. His T-shirt label The Lousy Livincompany is a platform for his drawings published on T-shirts. He has worked for numerous skateboard and T-shirt labels worldwide. His artist books are published by Nieves, Rollo-Press, and Christoph Keller Editions/JRP Ringier – beside these releases he publishes regulary by himself. All Smallville Records releases are visually defined by Marx' drawings. Smallville Records is also the label of his band The Dead Sea.
Stefan Marx
Weekly Tear-Off Calendar
52 Pages
13 x 14 cm
b/w Offset
First Edition 2017
ISBN 978-3-905999-82-2
All Titles by Stefan Marx
CHF15.- statt CHF22.-
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